Content Marketing

The concept behind Content Marketing is fairly simple:
- You provide your prospective client with interesting, relevant and educational material about your products and services
- The client will read it and realize that you're the expert in your field
- When they're ready to purchase they'll choose you because you're the expert and they already feel comfortable with you
That "interesting, relevant and educational material" is called Content and providing a steady stream of content to your clients will lead to increased business over time. The content is probably going to be used within your blog on your website and beyond that in your social media accounts and within your email marketing.
These are some of the statements we've heard from our clients when discussing content marketing:
- I want to blog but I don't have the time
- I want to blog but I don't know what to write about
- I want to blog but I'm not a writer
How can Delta Strategic Marketing help with Content Marketing?
We can help you on a number of levels - creating a comprehensive content marketing plan that's unique to your business and its needs and then implementing that plan on your behalf.
A Content Marketing plan from DSM answers these questions:
- How often should I be blogging?
- What should I be writing?
- What days & times are best for my site to publish blogs?
- What keywords should my blogs be using?
Communication Plans

When I visit with other small business owners many of them tell me that they'd love to spend more time engaging with their clients either by e-mail or via a blog if only they had more time. Their other big concerns are what to write about and when to post.
It's a fact of life that we make time for things that we put into our calendar and we schedule for - whether its lunch with a client or an important date with your significant other. Communicating with your clients and prospects should be on this same level, making it part of a schedule will help it to happen. But how much easier would it be if someone else actually worked out that schedule for you - based on your business, your market and your competition? What if they also gave you the topics to write about and the keywords to use? And if they told you when to post it?
How can Delta Strategic Marketing help with Communication Plans?
Depending on your needs we have a range of communication plans:

The 12-month Blog Plan
Answers these questions:
- How often should I be blogging?
- What should I be writing?
- What days & times are best for my site to publish blogs?
- What keywords should my blogs be using?
- market research (specific to your company & industry)
- an in-depth analysis of your competition
- optimal days, times and frequencies you should be publishing blog articles
- titles, topics, keywords and concepts

The 12-month E-newsletter Plan
Answers these questions:
- When should I send an e-newsletter?
- What & how much info should I include?
- Who should I send it to?
- market research (specific to your company & industry)
- an in-depth analysis of your competition
- optimal days, times and frequencies when you should be sending your e-mails
- subject lines and targeted messaging to specific lists

The 12-month Social Media Plan
Answers these questions:
- When and where should I focus my time?
- What do I say?
- How do I grow my exposure?
- What days & times are best my business to communicate on social media?
- market research (specific to your company & industry)
- an in-depth analysis of your competition
- optimal days, times and frequencies when you should be engaging
- topics, educational opportunities and strategies

The 12-month Full Communication Plan (All-in-one Solution!)
Answers these questions:
- How, when & where should the business be communicating with their target audience?
- What do I say?
- How do I build & manage my communities?
- market research (specific to your company & industry)
- an in-depth analysis of your competition
- optimal days, times and frequency in which your client should be engaging on their blog, through e-newsletters and on social media platforms
- a 12-month strategic plan that includes targeted messaging for each communication type
Email Marketing

Despite the explosive growth of social media, email marketing remains one of the most efficient and cost-effective way of reaching out to both prospects and existing clients.
When used correctly email marketing has a huge upside for small business
- Low cost (pennies per contact)
- Great ROI (in the region of 40:1)
- Hard to ignore
- Great venue to show-off your expertise
How can Delta Strategic Marketing help with Email Marketing?
- Delta Strategic Marketing offers an agnostic approach to email marketing - we're not tied to any individual platform and we'll suggest the best option for you based on what you're trying to do.
- Armed with our experience of email marketing best practices you'll get the best bang for your buck - regardless of which platform you choose.
- If you need more than just help with setting up your email accounts we can help with implementation too - we'll create your emails, prepare your lists and schedule your emails for you!
Social Media Management
Social Media drives sales for both small and large businesses but many small business owners don't have the time or the inclination to spend effort on building a robust social media presence.
You might have used one of these statements:
How can Delta Strategic Marketing help with Social Media Management?
We can help you on a number of levels - creating a comprehensive social media plan that's unique to your business and its needs and then implementing that plan on your behalf.
A Social Media Management plan from DSM answers these questions:
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