Social media and small business – an update
I last wrote about social media and small business almost exactly a year ago. As with everything internet related a whole bunch has changed: LinkedIn went public Facebook went from…
I last wrote about social media and small business almost exactly a year ago. As with everything internet related a whole bunch has changed: LinkedIn went public Facebook went from…
Just like you shouldn’t rely on a single source of income lasting forever, it doesn’t make much sense to concentrate all your resources in just one marketing arena. Why not?…
Many small businesses have embraced the concepts behind social media and in-bound marketing – primarily those in the B2B services and consultancy industries, where they make their money promoting themselves as opposed to a product. On the other hand many product based small businesses (manufacturers, distributors, etc) have done next to nothing with these new marketing avenues. Why? Because, I think, they think there’s very little ROI in it for them.
No-Cost / Low-Cost
But what investment are they referring to? The one really great thing about the new world of social media & in-bound marketing is that it’s either no-cost or low-cost. The major investment is one of time and to a lesser extent of creativity. (more…)