10 interesting articles you should read

Here are 10 interesting articles from the past couple of weeks that I had planned to expound on but never got around to – that doesn’t mean that they are not worthy of your attention so I’m listing them here so they don’t get overlooked.

Schema Creator Microdata is going to influence web design and SEO in the near future. Get a head start on implementation with this handy tool.

Finding killer SEO keywords for content marketing Keyword research is tremendously important and yet greatly overlooked by many small business web masters. This will get you going…

Google+ SEO guide Google + is gaining ground on Facebook. This in-depth article explains how G+ is going to impact search engine results.

21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic An awesome list from SEOMoz – I just need to find time to implement them.

Top Ten Slide Tips Do you feel trapped by PwerPoint? I found this guide really useful for my most recent presentations which were all generally very well received.

This Is Generation Flux: Meet The Pioneers Of The New (And Chaotic) Frontier Of Business Do you work in a multi-generational office environment or have problems working with Gen Y? This makes fascinating reading.

Free Online Unicode Character Map OK – not an “article” per se, but a great find and incredibly useful when trying to find that particular Wingding or Dingbat .

Facebook Timeline Cover Images Have you embraced the Facebook Timeline? Read Mari Smith’s article on the best size and format and whether you can use it for promotional purposes.

20 Great People That Taught Me The Power Of Twitter I’ve become a huge fan of Twitter and Twitter add-ons. This is a nice list from the people who make my favorite add-on, Buffer.

Are QR Codes Worth Putting On Your Trade Show Display? I’m a big fan of QR codes and was in the process of incorporating some into an upcoming trade show so this was very timely for me.

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