Small business seminar

Don’t know a “tweet” from a “blog”?  Worried that you are being left behind?Internet basics for small business ad

Attend our free seminar “Internet Basics for Small Businesses and Organizations” on June 14, 2011.

What you’ll learn:

  • The truth about “free” websites
  • What is still free to help promote your business
  • What your e-mail address says about you
  • How you can get started
  • What is and isn’t important on a business website

If you are a small business owner or a member of a non-profit group or organization and you’d like to learn more about the internet and how it affects your business CALL 973-234-5623 NOW to book your place for this FREE seminar. This is NOT a sales pitch – its being presented for small business owners by a local small business owner! Its a free seminar but you must register in advance!

Join us for a light breakfast at the Wearhouse Grille (Route 181, Lake Hopatcong) on June 14, 2011 at 8am. Seminar starts at 8:15 sharp!