Update your website regularly – its important!

You might be invisible if...I have a slide in my “Small Business Invisibility” presentation that tells the viewers that they might be invisible if they haven’t updated their website in the last year. It always raises eyebrows because the reality is that most small business owners don’t EVER change their website after its launch. Never ever!

When I sit down with new clients I tell them that the whole purpose of a website is to attract new clients and that the best way to do that is to appear on the first page of the search results and that the best way to do that is to keep their content fresh by adding new material on a regular basis.

But so many small business owners don’t have the time or inclination to do so. If they are smart they might hire someone to take care of it. If they don’t hire someone then their site quickly becomes stale.

Here’s a link to a great article that discusses this in more detail “How Often Should You Update Your Website” by Michael Gray.

In it Michael makes this point

The more new content you can add, the better. One to two new pages a week is ideal. One to two a month is ok,. Less frequently than once a month makes your website look stale and dated.

I do try to add new articles to my blog twice a week. How often do you update your site?

If you’d like to do more but don’t have the time, hire someone – hire me!

Posted by John Tully
sales & marketing assistance for small business

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