Morris County Business Directory

I decided that yesterday was a good day to sort through my stack of business cards. Since I joined the Morris County Chamber of Commerce 18 months ago I’ve met…

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Invisibility – a cautionary tale for small businesses

What do these things have in common? H. G. Wells’ “The Invisible Man”, Harry Potter and your small business? All have the ability to become invisible! is your business invisible?

Invisibility for small businesses comes in two flavors – deliberate and accidental.

If you don’t have a website then you are pretty much deliberately choosing to be invisible. That’s not to say people won’t find you on-line but you are making it hard for them and if the only thing visible is a less-than-flattering review you are just beating yourself.

Accidental invisibility occurs when you have a website but can’t be seen by search engines. This happens for a number of reasons including these common mistakes: (more…)

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