The 5 most popular blog posts on this year to date
These are the five most popular blog posts from my blog this year based on shares across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Google+ #5 6 Quick and easy online resources…
These are the five most popular blog posts from my blog this year based on shares across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Google+ #5 6 Quick and easy online resources…
Two diametrically opposed concepts come into play when writing a blog or a social media piece. The first is the conventional wisdom that “nobody reads anything”. The second is that…
“I’d love to blog, but I don’t have the time/manpower/motivation!” This is an expression I’ve heard many, many times from my small business clients. So typically despite their good intentions…
As mentioned before it’s really hard to read everything that’s out there – it’s really too hard to even be aware of what’s out there let alone read about it!…
I work from home. I make sales calls and attend various networking events but I’m at home a lot. I LOVE my commute (30 seconds if there's traffic on the…
Here’s a link to a great article “10 biggest social media myths exposed” by David Jackson. There are a couple of great lines within the article that are worth repeating;…
To the cloud! Here’s more on the cloud (my first on this was Hey you get off my cloud!) and how confusing the picture is as far as small business…
If you are a Small Business owner you should seriously consider starting a blog for your company. Why? Here's five reasons - there are many more I'm sure... Because it…
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