Frequently asked questions – How quickly can you build my new website?
Invariably this is the no. 2 question I get asked by prospective small business website clients (No. 1 is How much will my new website cost?). Just like “How much…
Invariably this is the no. 2 question I get asked by prospective small business website clients (No. 1 is How much will my new website cost?). Just like “How much…
You’ve just secured a meeting with the “big guy”! You’ve got all your ducks in a row and all your references and samples ready to knock his socks off. You’ve…
As some of you know I’ve been teaching some internet marketing classes at Montclair Adult School for a couple of semesters. On Monday I presented a well-attended, lively session titled…
Are you one of those people in the front of the line for the next iPhone? Did you upgrade to Windows 10 the day after it was released? Do you…
I recently read (and reposted) a very comprehensive blog post that listed the 50 Features Every Business Website Should Have. A long list like that includes quite a bit of…
I came across an interesting set of statistics the other day. The statistics refer to the rise of mobile internet searching: In 2016, 38.6% of web pages served were delivered…
When I speak to small business owners I tell them to be particularly wary of anyone who guarantees placement on Google’s first page because Google is constantly changing and tweaking…
Readers of my previous posts will know that I'm a big proponent of Google AdWords for small business (check the Google AdWords category of my blog directory). I've stated many…
When I started using Facebook it was primarily for one function – to spy on my kids! The fact that it had a business component was an extra I only…
I make a point of talking to all my prospective clients about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) at a very early point in the proposal stage of any project. I try…