The 5 most popular blog posts on this year to date

These are the five most popular blog posts from my blog this year based on shares across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Google+


#5 6 Quick and easy online resources for graphic images for small business blogs

A summary of where you can get cheap and easy to use graphics for your blog posts



#4 Have you seen this woman? Or, the perils of stock photography for small business.

Stock photography is so easy to use but it has its drawbacks, especially when the same image or model is used over and over again.

power paging girl


#3 Case study – the power of blogging for a small business

The story of how a small business client of mine turned her blog into an essential part of filling her sales funnel, month over month.

sales funnel


#2 Content marketing and small business – making it work

Speaks to my man-crush on Gary Vaynerchuk and how important content marketing is for small business owners who want to see their online presence grow.

Content is the gateway drug to engagement.


#1 4 things the Ramones can teach us about business

Wait – what – really, the Ramones? Sure! My favorite lesson from the Ramone – “Don’t take yourself too seriously!”

The Ramones on my wall
The Ramones on my wall

Do you have a favorite post from the year? Let me know in the comments below!