More on Small Business Invisibility
I recently got my chance to stand up and tell my views on Small Business Invisibility (refer to my earlier post) to 150+ attendees at a recent Morris County Chamber…
I recently got my chance to stand up and tell my views on Small Business Invisibility (refer to my earlier post) to 150+ attendees at a recent Morris County Chamber…
More than just a buzz word “In-bound Marketing” represents a big shift in how businesses big and small can attract more customers. The book of the same name by Brian…
E-mail marketing is: a great way to keep in contact with your customers and prospects and provide them with material that’s of interest to them very cost effective when compared…
Thanks to Sally Ormond for this tip – “Simple SEO Checks Any Small Business Can Make” In a nutshell Sally gives every small business owners 5 tasks that they can…
The biggest excuse I hear from small business owners as to why they are not doing more marketing is that they don’t have the time. I then ask them if…
Just like you shouldn’t rely on a single source of income lasting forever, it doesn’t make much sense to concentrate all your resources in just one marketing arena. Why not?…
Small businesses have a tendency to push marketing off until they aren't busy with anything else. By that time it might be too late to get the marketing train back…
Bio-Chem Fluidics, a dsm-llc client recently exhibited at Pittcon a huge international analytical chemistry expo. We assisted in the following areas: Booth layout - in a small booth (10’ x…
What do these things have in common? H. G. Wells’ “The Invisible Man”, Harry Potter and your small business? All have the ability to become invisible!
Invisibility for small businesses comes in two flavors – deliberate and accidental.
If you don’t have a website then you are pretty much deliberately choosing to be invisible. That’s not to say people won’t find you on-line but you are making it hard for them and if the only thing visible is a less-than-flattering review you are just beating yourself.
Accidental invisibility occurs when you have a website but can’t be seen by search engines. This happens for a number of reasons including these common mistakes: (more…)
Did you ever wonder how Google became the multi-bazillion dollar company they are? It’s not just the awesome algorithms they invented or how they seem to know before you search what you are looking for. It’s the way the learned to make money from those things – by offering ads related to those searches and charging would-be sellers lots of money for those ads through their AdWords program (AdSense is a sister product designed to allow site owners to host those ads). The company has just reported revenues of $7.3 billion of which 97% comes from advertising.
AdWords serves up those ads as the “sponsored links” you see across the top and down the side of the Google search result page.
Why is this important to the small business person?
Even though $7.3 billion is an awful lot of money it’s made up of billions and billions individual ads placed by small and large businesses alike. Although many of the hot “buzz-worthy” search terms can command between $10-50 PER CLICK (apparently “mesothelioma” commands $100 per click) small business people should be aware that in their field the cost of advertising can be lower than $1 per click, sometimes only pennies per click if you are clever. (more…)